error: Probabilities do not sum to 1
NamitaBajpai opened this issue · 5 comments
I am trying to use sample_exact_k_dpp sampling function to select k elements. I am getting error probability do not sum to 1. I am using with Gram-Schmidt mode and likelihood kernel. However, I encountered the following error:
~/anaconda3/envs/gpu-torch/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dppy/ in proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS(eig_vecs, size, random_state)
489 for it in range(size):
490 # Pick an item \propto this squred distance
--> 491 j = rng.choice(ground_set[avail],
492 p=np.abs(norms_2[avail]) / (rank - it))
493 sampl[it] = j
mtrand.pyx in numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState.choice()
ValueError: probabilities do not sum to 1
I have checked the kernel property it satisfies positive semi definite and also the rank of the matrix is larger than the k value. How do I solve this randomstate.choice error? Any guess would be appreciated.
Thank you
Hi @NamitaBajpai,
It is difficult to address your issue as is, mainly because I can't reproduce it (templates where suggested when raising this issue)
Could you share
- the version of DPPy
- the parametrisation : the kernel and size
you use ?
One reason might be that the kernel is very ill-conditioned or many eigenvalues are very small which results in some imprecision/instability when evaluating the elementary symmetric polynomials, but that's just a guess.
You could also try to call a different sampling method than "GS"
Thank you for your reply.
I am using dppy_0.3.2.
The radial basis function is used to compute the kernel, the rank of the kernel is 600, and the size of the kernel matrix is 1000*1000. The value of k is 100.
Could you provide a minimal working example so that I can reproduce your issue ?
Hi @guilgautier
I could fix the issue.
Sounds good !
Could you give more details on how you fixed it ? It may be beneficial to other users :)