
Survey Simulator

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Overall Goal: Implement a magnitude-limited survey simulator within Mosfit which simulates single light curves or transient populations

Specific features:

  1. User specifies priors on the transient class parameters, the volumetric rate (distribution), and the extinction.
  2. User simulates these transients in the survey filters.
  3. Mosfit samples these light curves based on limiting/saturating magnitudes and survey cadence
  4. [Maybe] Mosfit measures user-defined metrics on all LCs

Features needed:

  1. New prior definitions (e.g. broken power law, polynomial)
  2. Defining distance prior on redshifts only
  3. Easy input for survey parameters
  4. [LSST specific] Streamlined way to inject LCs into LSST Opsims
  5. [Maybe] Nice metric tool, which lets users define metrics that Mosfit measures on all light curves