
--version doesnt work properly.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

PS C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3> mkdir base63tooltest

    Directory: C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        9/27/2019  12:47 PM                base63tooltest

PS C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3> cd .\base63tooltest\
PS C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3\base63tooltest> dotnet new tool-manifest; dotnet tool install base64urls --ve
rsion 1.1.0;  dotnet tool install base64urls --global;
The template "Dotnet local tool manifest file" was created successfully.
You can invoke the tool from this directory using the following commands: 'dotnet tool run base64urls' or 'dotnet base64urls'.
Tool 'base64urls' (version '1.1.0') was successfully installed. Entry is added to the manifest file C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3\base63tooltest\.config\dotnet-tools.json.
You can invoke the tool using the following command: base64urls
Tool 'base64urls' (version '1.1.1') was successfully installed.
PS C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3\base63tooltest> base64urls
Usage: base64urls [-version] [-help] [decode|encode|escape|unescape] [args]
E.g., run this: base64urls decode QyMgaXMgYXdlc29tZQ==
E.g., run this: base64urls encode "C# is awesome."
E.g., run this: base64urls escape "This+is/goingto+escape=="
E.g., run this: base64urls unescape "This-is_goingto-escape"
PS C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3\base63tooltest> base64urls --version
base64urls v1.0.0.0
PS C:\Users\user1\Desktop\core 3\base63tooltest>

v1.0.0.0 is not the version reported by the dotnet tool install or nuget.

thank you for reporting and sorry for delayed.
1.2.0 released. it fixed the issue. please wait until published nuget package is available.

Nice work!