
Changelog missing

joepie91 opened this issue · 6 comments

There does not appear to be a changelog anywhere, for this module. This makes it really hard to determine what has changed across releases, and whether it is safe to update to a new major version (in my particular case, from 2.2.17 to 3.0.7).

This module is deprecated, and nothing will be changed in the future so there isn't really a point in starting now.

Hmm, I'm not seeing a deprecation notice anywhere. What is it being replaced with?

@joepie91 all the functionality of this module is being deprecated in favor of requiring the functionality separately. Most of this module is already thin wrappers over other modules, or other modules simply re-exported.

Okay... is there a migration guide of any kind?

@joepie91 Let me rephrase: gulp-util doesn't and has never really done anything, it just exports other modules (which was a dumb idea). Migration guide? Use the modules that gulp-util was giving you on their own.

We are probably going to log deprecation warnings with suggested modules to switch to. Locking this thread.