gulpjs/gulp, mocha and gulp-batch

floatdrop opened this issue · 16 comments

Suppose we have gulp-mocha and want add watching to run tests on changes:['test/**', 'lib/**'], function () {
        .pipe(mocha({ reporter: 'list' }));

This fill work fine, until you change multiple files with some git command - watch will call mocha as many times, as many files was changed. And this is perfectly fine, because this is how gulp should work.

But this is definitely a problem - most of the grunt related blog posts are about - "How to rebuild your css/jade/etc on edit". So I see a way in writing gulp plugin throttle (or something, I can't figure proper name) that will buffer incoming events (for 5 seconds then flush) and call callback only once:['test/**', 'lib/**']).pipe(throttle(function (events) {
        .pipe(mocha({ reporter: 'list' }));

(This will need this #13 to be done)

Any suggestions on that? May be I don't see obvious solution, or missed something in docs.

P.s. gutil.buffer is close, but waits for end of the stream. So maybe gutil.throttle?

What you're asking for is a debounce. This seems like a common enough use case that it should probably be baked into the watcher itself rather than the client wrapping the callback.

Yeah, should be baked in IMHO.

Gaze is the gulp file watcher

This falls somewhere between glob-watcher and gaze, since gaze (correctly) debounces changes to single files and glob-watcher (also correctly) passes all changed files. Probably best to throw the debounce on glob-watcher line 8, yeah?

I'd open a pull but the tests are currently broken.

@akre54: This is neither a throttle or debounce. I think of this more as throttle + debounce + group.

@sindresorhus: Maybe in gulp utils, but not into watch or other methods should implement it too?

@contra: In my opinion this is not work for gaze at all. I agreed with @akre54 - this is something in between, but watch and gulp plugin (or it depends on task you want to achieve).

@akre54 glob-watcher just passes what gaze puts out. If gaze was debouncing the files before putting it out then this wouldn't be a problem. I scanned the gaze repo for "debounce" and "throttle" and didn't get any hits. Where do you see that it's debouncing?

@akre54 sweet - @floatdrop just sent a PR to let those options go through gulpjs/glob-watcher#2

These options are cool, but don't solve this problem.

Instead of waiting for some arbitrary time to collect files to flush, would it be better to use some sort of queue? See

That is, wouldn't it be better to "batch" watched files, so as to not spam the CLI of some app? Batch 20 files at a time, then 'flush' on timeout (2s) which handles outstanding batches.

You can queue via's event variable.

I'll take PRs for this in glob-watcher but won't have time to implement anything until the 10th

This seemed to be an interesting problem. I took a crack at it. @floatdrop would the following work for you? I haven't really tested it.

var async = require('async');

// config
var batch_num = 20;
var timeout = 2000;

var bomb = void 0;
var items = [];

// async to sync
var worker = function(_work, callback) {
    var _args, _f, _this;
    _f = _work['f'];
    _this = _work['_this'];
    _args = _work['_args'] || [];
    return _f.apply(_this, _args);

var queue = async.queue(worker, 1);

var gulper = function(glob) {

        // ...

var batchProcess = function(item, callback) {

    if(bomb) {
        bomb = void 0;

    if(items.length + 1 === batch_num) {


        items = [];
    } else {

    // Set bomb
    bomb = setTimeout(function() {


        items = [];

    }, timeout);


};['test/**', 'lib/**'], function (event) {

    var payload = {
      f: batchProcess,
      _this: this,
      _args: [event.path]



@dashed yep, that looks like what I wanted. I started working on gulp-batch right before read this.

That looks really cool. I hadn't thought of using the function decorator pattern.

Much better and simpler than mine.

Thanks guys! I think gulp-batch is finished, so my problem is fixed. Thou it will be nice to mention it in API docs (I think many people will stumble upon this, when will try to test their code with mocha and watch).

@floatdrop nice work. use the gulpfriendly keyword instead of gulpplugin.