
Great Thanks and Proposal

snowyu opened this issue · 2 comments

I very love the KISS of Gulp 4. I am too lazy to re-invent the wheel. But I have not reused the codes of vinyl when I'm making a project base on Gulp 4. So I had to create the abstract-file.
I am tired to type useless/unreadable punctuation(eg, braces), so I use coffee-script too.

  • abstract property-manager to manage the file attributes.
  • abstract the load(stats, contents) supports
  • abstract folder/directory supports: It's the array of file object and read-dir-stream
  • abstract path.js
  • abstract fs: It should apply via AbstractFile.fs = fs
  • abstract cwd: It should apply via fs.cwd = process.cwd

The usage of abstract-file is here:

I hope we can work together, if you do not hate coffee-script.
Anyway, great thanks.

Nope, I love coffee-script but not for any open source work. All of our open source code is in lowest common denominator JS to encourage more contributions

Going to close this, as there is nothing actionable to address.