
Error while running main.lua

lkpvignesh opened this issue · 3 comments

Your work is detailed and the effort you have put into this is awesome. I am trying to reproduce this work for a mini project. I am experimenting on UCF101 dataset and have generated upto the .t7 files for flow.

I am quite unclear about how splits work and while running main.lua, I am experiencing an error repeatedly. I am relatively new to lua/torch environment and hence it would be great if you could help me on this issue.

I have attached the screenshot for your reference
screenshot from 2018-10-17 11-47-24

Thanks in advance

Have you created train/test folders for the data splits? You can find the split definitions here:
Find the link where it says:
"The Train/Test Splits for Action Recognition on UCF101 data set can be downloaded by clicking here."

The folder structure looked like this. I had a script to produce dummy files but you can put the .t7 files themselves as well. For that you would need to modify this line:

Hello @gulvarol ,
Thank you for replying!
I have now created the train/test folders for the data splits and the folder structure is in the attached image. I have generated empty files like you did with extension .avi. I used 'avi' as extension in dataset.lua. Yet I am unable to get over the same error. Kindly help.
screenshot from 2018-10-20 11-44-23
screenshot from 2018-10-20 11-44-02
screenshot from 2018-10-20 11-48-07


I was able to resolve the initcheck problem after reinstalling argcheck from source.

Used the above command to reinstall argcheck and it worked fine.

Thank you