Unit 2

| Date | Week | Lesson |

|---|---|---|---| 0 | Sep 08 | 0 | Assessment Review 1 | Sep 10 | 0 | Debugging 2 | Sep 12 | 0 | Communication Patterns (Delegation) 3 | Sep 13 | 0 | Communication Patterns (Delegation) 4 | Sep 15 | 1 | Communication Patterns (Notifications) 5 | Sep 17 | 1 | Communication Patterns (Blocks) 6 | Sep 19 | 1 | Networking 7 | Sep 20 | 1 | Networking 8 | Sep 22 | 2 | Kickstarter 9 | Sep 24 | 2 | Custom UI 10 | Sep 26 | 2 | Custom/Advanced UI 11 | Sep 27 | 2 | Dependancy Management / Cocoapods 12 | Sep 29 | 3 | Storage (NSUserDefaults) 13 | Oct 01 | 3 | Intro to product 14 | Oct 03 | 3 | Storage (NSUserDefaults / Core Data) 15 | Oct 04 | 3 | Storage (Core Data) 16 | Oct 06 | 4 | Intro to final project / Nick Barr on Product 17 | Oct 08 | 4 | Storage (remote) 18 | Oct 10 | 4 | [Project work]