
Interactive Particle / Nest System With JavaScript and Canvas, Do not Depends on jQuery.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A nest backgroud of website draw on canvas. 中文Readme帮助文档



  • do not depend on jQuery or other javascript framework.
  • very light, only 1.66kb. can be smaller after gzip.
  • so easy to use, even you are not a web developer.


so eazy that I do not want write the chapter.

insert the code below between <body> and </body>.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//github.atool.org/canvas-nest.min.js"></script>

suggest before the tag </body>. like below:

	<script type="text/javascript" src="//github.atool.org/canvas-nest.min.js"></script>

please do not add the code in the <head> </head>.

then ok!


  • color: the canvas line color, default: '0,0,0' ; the color is (R,G,B)
  • opacity: the opacity of line (0~1), default: 0.5
  • count: the number of lines, default: 150
  • zIndex: the index of z space, default: -1


<script type="text/javascript" color="0,0,255" opacity='0.7' zIndex="-2" count="99" src="//github.atool.org/canvas-nest.min.js"></script>

set the config on the script node as a attribute. all the config has the default value, you can choose to set any of them.


  1. OnlineTool: http://www.atool.org/

if you has used this project, pls let me know, I can add your website on.



project lib cdn url: http://github.atool.org/canvas-nest.min.js, if you has your own cdn, download canvas-nest.min.js and use your own url.

any bug or question, welcome to push request and issue.