
Error running I01onlineTubes

Maosef opened this issue · 2 comments


Video List 01 :: /scratch1/road/ucf24/splitfiles/testlist01.txt
AnnotFile :: /scratch1/road/ucf24/splitfiles/
Image  Dir :: /scratch1/road/ucf24/rgb-images/
Detection Dir:: /scratch1/road/ucf24/detections/CONV-rgb-01-120000/
Actionpath Dir:: /scratch1/road/ucf24/actionPaths/CONV-rgb-01-120000-score-3-0010/
Tube Dir:: /scratch1/road/ucf24/actionTubes/CONV-rgb-01-120000-score-3-0010/
Get both lis is /scratch1/road/ucf24/splitfiles/testlist01.txt
done computing action paths
Error using load
Unable to read file '/scratch1/road/ucf24/splitfiles/'. No such file or directory.

Error in I01onlineTubes>gettubes (line 99)
    annot = load(dopts.annotFile);

Error in I01onlineTubes (line 65)
        result_cell = gettubes(opts);

Looking in /scratch1/road/ucf24/splitfiles/, there is finalAnnots.mat. Is this a typo?

Side question: How can I visualize the tubes?

Check your data directories and read the README file.
We do not provide visualisation code.

The matlab extension is wrong.
Update "" to "finalAnnots.mat" in utils/initDatasetOpts.m