
Next Release Date?

BenHall opened this issue · 6 comments

I understand everyone is busy, but I was wondering when the RA3 work will be released as then available in Home Assistant?

Is there a formal process/timeline?

Is there anything I can do to help?

@BenHall, I'm not sure on the timelline or process for releasing a new version of pylutron-caseta, but assuming we can do this in the next few weeks, then I think a reasonable expectation is to make the HA October beta , and hopefully ready for the HA November release.

If you want to help test the unreleased code, please check out this thread.

v0.15.0 released today.

@mdonoughe , we have a small naming issue for keypads that was introduced in the last PR. Keypads are getting one of the button names appended to the device name as a result of the way the HA devices are created from the button list. Perhaps we should fix this before releasing, or do a 0.15.1 release to address? @bdraco is about to bump the version in HA dev

more detail:

It will affect RA3/QSX Only. The keypad device name will have one of the button names appended to it, due to the way the devices are generated. ie “Upstairs_Hallway_Position_1_SunnataKeypad” is being named as (either first or last button not sure yet) due to the way the device registry is done. The keypad ends up incorrectly being named “Upstars_Hallway_position_1_SunnatKeypad_Button_1”.

This button name change was introduced to support button presses, which is not fully implemented yet. Caseta buttons are named the same as the keypad, so the problem doesn’t exist.

I think we temporary need to rename the buttons to match the keypad. Then re-apply once pylutron-caseta and lutron-caseta are ready for the button entities.

discussion here: