
Issue when space in path

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I used your tool on an ESD I plan to release but three errors occured.

At least one of them (ERROR 1 in my log) is due to the fact that I put your tools in a path with spaces ("O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\"). This error prevented the creation of the ISO file.

GusTools Auto Updater version
Gustave M. (gus33000) - Copyright 2014-2016

Checking for updates...
We couldn't find the remote version xml file. Checking for updates is aborted.

GusTools August Preview #0 - ESD to ISO Converter
Gustave M. (gus33000) (c) 2014-2016 -

Do you want to use a custom Cryptographic key ?
You can specify a custom Crypto Key if the embedded ones can't decrypt your esd
[N] No  [Y] Yes  [?] Help (default is "N"):

Do you want to use a custom Destination Path ?
You can specify a custom Destination Path for your ISO file.
[N] No  [Y] Yes  [?] Help (default is "N"):

Please Select which ESD you want to Convert

[1] 9833.0.140903-1451.fbl_release_clientpro_ret_x64fre_zh-cn_04df30fd539d1685bb
[2] None of these (You will be prompt for one or multiple esd files path names l

Select number and press enter: 1

GusTools August Preview #0 - ESD to ISO Converter
Gustave M. (gus33000) (c) 2014-2016 -

[02/05/2017 07:20:03 AM] [Info] Gathering informations for O:\Microsoft Windows

[02/05/2017 07:20:03 AM] [Warning] O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\
64fre_zh-cn_04df30fd539d1685bb1078fbab3963063b00398a.esd is encrypted, attemptin
g to decrypt the file
[02/05/2017 07:20:10 AM] [Info] 9833.0.140903-1451.fbl_release_clientpro_ret_x64
fre_zh-cn_04df30fd539d1685bb1078fbab3963063b00398a.esd copied in 7 seconds at 39
5.00 MB/s.
[02/05/2017 07:20:11 AM] [Info] Processing Windows Technical Preview 6.4.9833.0
[02/05/2017 07:20:11 AM] [Info] Expanding Setup files - In Progress
[02/05/2017 07:20:21 AM] [Info] Expanding Setup files - Done
[02/05/2017 07:20:21 AM] [Info] Exporting Windows Recovery environement - In Pro
[02/05/2017 07:21:12 AM] [Info] Exporting Windows Recovery environement - Done
[02/05/2017 07:21:12 AM] [Info] Exporting Windows Preinstallation environement -
 In Progress
[02/05/2017 07:21:21 AM] [Info] Exporting Windows Preinstallation environement -
[02/05/2017 07:21:21 AM] [Info] Exporting Windows Installation - In Progress
[02/05/2017 07:29:02 AM] [Info] Exporting Windows Installation - Done
Press any key to continue ...
[02/05/2017 07:29:03 AM] [Info] Type of setup detected: WIM Based Setup, Late 20
05 revision.
[02/05/2017 07:29:03 AM] [Info] Checking critical system files for a build strin
g and build type information...
[WARNING] No matches for path pattern "windows\system32\ntkrnlmp.exe"
[02/05/2017 07:29:04 AM] [Info] Checking registry for a more accurate build stri
ng and licensing information...

ERROR 0 IS HERE =====================

Remove-Item : Could not find a part of the path 'O:\Microsoft Windows 10\Decryp
At O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\
00\bin\Identify-ISO.ps1:1651 char:9
+         Remove-Item .\config\ -Recurse -Force
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (O:\Microsoft Wi...15-0800\config\:S
   tring) [Remove-Item], DirectoryNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.

MajorVersion : 6
MinorVersion : 4
BuildNumber  : 9833
DeltaVersion : 0
BranchName   : fbl_release
CompileDate  : 140903-1451
Tag          :
Architecture : amd64
BuildType    : fre
Type         : {Client}
Sku          : Professional
Editions     : {Professional}
Licensing    : Retail
LanguageCode : zh-CN
VolumeLabel  :
BuildString  : 6.4.9833.0.fbl_release.140903-1451
SetupPath    : O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\

FileName    : 9833.0.140903-1451.FBL_RELEASE_CLIENTPRO_RET_X64FRE_ZH-CN.ISO
SetupPath   : O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\
VolumeLabel : JM1_CPRA_X64FRE_ZH-CN_DV5
timestamp   : 09/04/2014,04:11:23

Generating ISO...

ERROR 1 IS HERE =============================

'O:\Microsoft' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
[02/05/2017 07:29:09 AM] [Info] Done

ERROR 2 IS HERE =============================

Remove-Item : Directory O:\Microsoft Windows
10\DecryptESD\\bin\tmp\Media cannot
be removed because it is not empty.
At O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\
00\bin\Convert-ESDISO.ps1:611 char:1
+ Remove-Item -Path $TempDirectory -Recurse
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (Media:DirectoryInfo) [Remove-Item],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DirectoryNotEmpty,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.

Remove-Item : Directory O:\Microsoft Windows
10\DecryptESD\\bin\tmp cannot be
removed because it is not empty.
At O:\Microsoft Windows 10\DecryptESD\
00\bin\Convert-ESDISO.ps1:611 char:1
+ Remove-Item -Path $TempDirectory -Recurse
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (O:\Microsoft Wi...15-0800\bin\tmp:D
   irectoryInfo) [Remove-Item], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DirectoryNotEmpty,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.

'1" ' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.