
Chrome won't appear to run passext-host

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have followed the instructions in README on Google Chrome Beta (linux) but the extension just sits with "Inactive" as its tooltip. passext-host never appears to be executed, and no password hinting happens.

I've checked the path to passext-host (and am able to execute it manually), and ensured the extension ID is correct.

Any ideas as to where to debug?

Do you have gnupg version >=2.1 installed?

Yep, I have version 2.1.4 installed globally (Fedora 22) and pass works fine.

They changed a lot in gnupg2 and this seems to break passext (e.g. it uses its own instance of gpg-agent). I haven't used passext myself for quite a while now, so I didn't realize that it no longer works. But I'm working on it.

What version did you develop against? I can try that. Strangely it seems like chrome is never executing the passext-host script at all (strace not showing it)

I use chromium 43 for development. For debugging I start it from the command line: chromium --enable-logging --v=1, so that I can see passext-host's stderr output.
With gnupg-2.1.6 the current git master version of passext fails with a "TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not NoneType".

I added support for gpg-2.1. I hope you're more successful now.