exit hangs with disabled threads
pavel-demin opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm trying to migrate from XOTcl 1.6.8 to XOTcl 2.3.0 and I've noticed that if Tcl 8.6 and NSF 2.3.0 are built with disabled threads, then the exit command doesn't work after loading the XOTcl package.
Here are the commands to reproduce the problem:
curl -LO https://sourceforge.net/projects/tcl/files/Tcl/8.6.9/tcl8.6.9-src.tar.gz
tar -zxf tcl8.6.9-src.tar.gz
curl -LO https://sourceforge.net/projects/next-scripting/files/2.3.0/nsf2.3.0.tar.gz
tar -zxf nsf2.3.0.tar.gz
cd tcl8.6.9
sh unix/configure --disable-threads --prefix=$TCL_DIR --exec-prefix=$TCL_DIR
make install-binaries install-libraries install-headers
cd -
cd nsf2.3.0
sh configure --disable-threads --prefix=$TCL_DIR --exec-prefix=$TCL_DIR --with-tcl=$TCL_DIR/lib
make install-binaries install-libraries install-xotcl-libraries
cd -
% package require XOTcl
% exit
Warning: The class ::nx::Object, from which an instance is to be removed, is currently under deletion
Best regards,
Dear Pavel,
many thanks for the good report. Yes, there was a problem at exit, when compiled
without thread support (we should add this to our test cases). The last changes,
especially 8dbedb9 fixed this issue.
Let me know, when i can help in the migration.
all the best
Thank you very much for fixing this problem. I've just tested the code from the master branch and it works flawlessly. My application (a SOAP server) works with XOTcl 2.4.0 without any modifications.