
Expand Text When Expanding The Notification Dialog

metal450 opened this issue · 9 comments

Often, the "Executed From" path is too long to be shown on the dialog - so I try to expand the dialog to reveal the path. However, no matter how wide the dialog, it doesn't create more space for the text (instead, the "Deny" button's column seems to take up all of the expanded area). Here's a screenshot for clarity:

2021-02-04 22 03 07

ok, I thought that this problem was already fixed. I'll try to reproduce it again on kubuntu. thank you!

I'm unable to reproduce this issue on KDE, not even in kubuntu . No matter what length of the process path, domain or directory I create, it's wrapped as expected, and the dialog is not expanded.

I've tested it ubuntu20's KDE, kubuntu 20 (kde plasma 5.18.5, qt 5.12.8)

Strange. I'm using OpenSnitch 1.3.6, except for those source files you specifically had me replace. Here's all of my system information:

2021-02-07 10 17 17

Other than that, not sure what to say - but you can see from the screenshot that it is happening.

Could you copy this prompt.ui.txt to /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/opensnitch/res/? it should fix the problem with some labels being splitted when it's not needed.

Maybe it also fixes the window size.

Expansion of the notification is different, but it still doesn't allow more of the text to be visible, since expansion is shared equally among all 4 columns. To enable revealing more text, I think it should just expand the rightmost column.

screenshot of how it expands now:

2021-02-08 12 45 42

aaaah, but you are resizing the pop-up, aren't you?

Yeah, exactly - that was my point. When the command path is too long, I expand the pop-up in hopes of being able to see the full path, but I still cannot (because the path portion of the pop-up doesn't expand much; most of the expansion goes to the other columns, which don't contain any info)

ah okokok, I thought that the pop-up was being resized automatically.

I added tooltips to the labels to workaround this problem. If you put the mouse over the Executed from, or the Process path/args labels you'll see the whole path.

I didn't even think that someone would resize the pop-up dialog.. It was supposed to be of fixed size.

Gotcha. Tho IMHO it's still a bit nicer to have that 4th column be the one that expands to fill the space, so the info could be seen even without mouse hover - albeit not necessary, as long as there's now some way to see the whole path :)