
New Project Maintainer Wanted!

guy-keller opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello everyone,

I am looking for someone to maintain this project.

After 8+ YEARS of working/maintaining it, I have decided that it is time for me to move on.
If you are interested in taking over please let me know here.

You will be added as a contributor and decide how this project will move forward.
In addition to that, you may choose to transfer the main repo elsewhere, change packages, etc.

To update the plugin you will also need to create a user on
So that you can upload a new version of the plugin ( zip ) when needed.

The only thing that I ask for is to keep it with the MIT license type.
My thanks go to those who have rated the plugin, helped here or elsewhere, or have used it!

Cheers, Gui

Guy, Thanks for all your effort with this plugin for all those years! Since you haven't picked up interest in this thus far, if you want to add me as a maintainer, I'll see how it fits with the project and Jetty 12. I am a project lead on the Jetty project.

hi @jmcc0nn3ll - I have added you to the project as a collaborator; alternatively, I can transfer the ownership of the project to you so you can put the project under the 'jetty org' umbrella and you can add me as a collaborator, in case my interest in the project comes back. How does that sound to you?

We can just leave it here for now; bringing it to the jetty organization would actually involve IP processes that I would have to review the project history to gauge. Bringing you over as a committer on it would be an election process to the overall project which would be premature.

I should be able to look into this closer soon, regardless, thank you for your time!