
Shader displays pink when lighting is toggled off

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The shaders don't work when the option to override scene light and use a camera attached light is used (the light bulb symbol near Draw mode and 2D view toggle).
The compiler was complaining about _DebugViewMaterial not being defined, so I swapped the code with what seems to be a new version of the ShaderPassForward.hlsl and it cleared the error, but the materials are still pink.
I can make a PR if you want with the change, but I don't know if more things changed. There are no errors but some warnings appear.

Seems to work for me on HDRP 5.16.0 which is the latest available version via package manager. Newer versions change too frequently and most users will update via the manager.

Yep, that's why I only opened an issue, it's not that important and things break fast. 6.7 is available via package manager though, but you need a newer Unity version. I was seeing the error in the latest alpha, 2019.3.a5, so it doesn't mean much.