
Breaking change removing bluebird

AlexisNo opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, thanks for the great work on this lib.

The removal of bluebird introduce a breaking change. I think the version number of the lib should have changed accordingly.

Indeed, the spread method disappeared.

.then(() => {
  return Promise.all([
.spread((resA, resB) => {

TypeError: [...].spread is not a function

I think the use of spread is very common for bluebird users. I my case, my build was broken by this minor version change.

Ideally, we should have the possibility to inject bluebird in ExcelJS to continue to use it.

My sincerest apologies, I'd forgotten that bluebird was part of the interface.
Let me have a think - there may be a solution to this without pulling bluebird back in - it really does come with a massive footprint that I'd like to avoid going forward.

In the mean time - which node version are you using? if >=6.x you should be able to change that line with:

  .then(([resA, resB]) => { /* ... */ }

@AlexisNo - ok, I have an alternative solution that should offer most of what bluebird did at a fraction of the footprint.
Can you (or anyone else) confirm which bluebird features you are using?

Personally, I like to use spread() and map().

I think it is possible to exclude bluebird and allow the user to inject a Promise lib. Mongoose has this functionality. I implemented it for a small module too. This way you do not need to pull bluebird back in and users are free to use their favorite Promise implementation.

Thanks for the fix. It is true that this ES6 syntax makes spread() irrelevant. I used another solution:

const Promise = require('bluebird');
return Promise.resolve(workbook.xlsx.readFile(file))
.then( /* ... */ )
.spread( /* ... */ )

It looks more like a hack, but I don't need to change every spread() or map() in the promise chain.

Once again - sorry for the break.
I have published 0.3.0 with the following two changes:

  • A richer internal Promise implementation (that supports some of the bluebird extras including spread and map)
  • Promise library dependency injection to allow you to restore bluebird if needed.

Awesome! Thank for the quick fix.
And again, thanks for the great job on this lib.