
Add support for new Raspberry Pi OS .xz. userless image

guysoft opened this issue ยท 31 comments

The new Rpi image has no pi user and uses a .xz compression format.

I could not get to fix it because I was on holiday in Egypt till yesterday. And today I am starting a new job. So it might take a small delay untill I can fix it. Probably should find time by the end if the week.

If anyone has any input please share it here.

Reading through the updates here, it looks like we can set up a default user (although not really recommended) by putting a file called userconf in /boot at the first launch. We could do a module for that that does basically this:

passwd_enc=$(echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin)
echo "username:$password_enc" >> /boot/userconf

Otherwise, I think the user will be prompted with the wizard at first launch, but I need to test it though.

@guysoft I started some work here #164, hope to finish over the easter weekend if I have the time.

So, regarding the new Pi User removal, I tried re-building with the latest image of my images. CustomPiOS works as usual, but on the first boot there it prompts for account creation:

This looks good to me, as it forces users to set a secure password and user for the machine.
Although I see that there are some distros made with CustomPiOS that may need a default user to run, like OctoPi (I suppose). The idea is to create a module that adds a default user using the userconf file method, which is the recommended by the RaspberryPi foundation.

I think that for now if the default user module is enabled, it should remove the creation of the new user.
I might vote on changing the behavior in the future, but for now I am not sure how to adapt to what Rpi have decided to to. I think it might be best to wait and see how people are using the usage-specific distros.

Also I think ill pull the xz image changes tomorrow so at least images would get built

Ok, puhsed 5032d8b c50d74b e88ec0a fbed8fc 47fc3fd . So xz should work, but still need to handle the username change dialog.

Hello Guy, after a littlebit of messing around with custoPiZer, I faced the same in my tests.
Here is my solution:


Thanks a lot for the snippet @KwadFan , tested and it works.
I don't want to commit it in just yet because for some reason automatic login is enabled. That means that when you boot on tty1 the user drops to the default user shell that has by default sudo capabilities.
Once I fix that I will push this to devel.
If you know why auto-login happens it would help me fix that too.

Something with the user genration is creaing:
And I can't find out what it is.

Hello @guysoft ,
Yes, I am researching that also, this is in my opinion a bad decision from raspberry. I am also fighting against it like you. The root cause for this is here:
Also they seem to replace the default getty.service with autologin.service with the raspi-config package. But, I am working on this. Trying to reverse that with a rc.local or systemd service during this week. Will let you know if there is progress

@ghollingworth Could you perhaps shed any light on why when we use /boot/userconf auto-login is enabled?

When we boot /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf does not exist, but after we /boot/userconf is used the autologin file is created and the the tty1 terminal logs in to the user which has sudo privileges.

I tried running grep for the whole rootfs for autologin.conf and could not find what is doing this.


@KwadFan Decent workaround, however, it does strengthen the issue that we don't know where this is coming from.
Would really value input from @ghollingworth or anyone in @raspberrypi or @RaspberryPiFoundation because this is potentially a security hole for anyone running raspberrypi OS-based distributions. Some vendors might not even know this is happening in their headless machines.

tl;dr for newcomers - autologin is loaded when the a default pi-user is created, its undocumented and happends when using the userconf system (now the default in Rpi OS). Also we have no idea what script is doing it even after grepping the entire system.

Also cc @foosel if you have any insight from anyone.

Thanks :)

But, yes, eleminating the root cause is the better way. Its more intended to be a temporary patch on that hole...
Would like to see, some comments from the main devs. Improving security through user renaming is wonderful, but its a shot in its own crownjuwels to have nopasswd login after.

Update: It happens here:
Got a reply in the pi-gen distro.

Ok, that makes no sense to me why they choose option B2 instead B1 if rename is canceled ( what I think for what reason this script is intended ).

Are there plans to revert/patch that?

Quick Edit:
I read it again and I think we literally have an solution:

Why not disabling the service before first boot?

@KwadFan Actually rpi also see it as an issue that needs to be fixed.
See here:
RPi-Distro/pi-gen#614 (comment)
and here:
RPi-Distro/userconf-pi#2 (comment)

However they their plan is to fix it next release and not right away, and this is a security issue in my option.

@guysoft So, yes.... even RPI Devs aren't unfailable xD.

Yes, you are right this is a huuuge Security Risk. What also comes to my mind in the end, if you dont remove the tty1 as serial console, like I in mainsailOS do, you could do worse things over serial also...

What is our option? Waiting to let them fix it or a quick and dirty workaround?

rightly pointed out by @KwadFan , the patch should

  1. Be applied at the end script of base module to allow upgrades
  2. Should make sure the file is there before patching to allow working with buster.

Will find time to write that or PRs are welcome for this

@guysoft So, if PR's are welcome, here we go:

Prove of concept see: with buster image. with bullseye 32bit image

Will remove those branches after merge :) So, if you visit in future, it works! ;)

New change was commited 8 days ago:

New image with that change and that brakes ff73605 patch was released two days ago

I'm using the userless .xz image and it has worked fine so far. However, I need to add my default user to the dialout group.
If I run usermod -a -G dialout glue in a start_chroot_script of the permissions module, I get usermod: user 'glue' does not exist.

My config file looks like this:

export DIST_NAME=MyDist
export DIST_VERSION=0.0.1
export MODULES="base(disable-overscan,update,kiosk,permissions)"
export BASE_USER=glue
export BASE_USER_PASSWORD="redacted"
export BASE_ADD_USER=yes
export BASE_SSH_ENABLE=yes
export BASE_ARCH=arm64

Any idea?

This fully works now, closing

@hrueger Why do you need to add that?
I haven't tested, but I think the user pi gets renamed, so you need to add the pi user to the groups you want it to be in.
Source at:

I've been struggeling with usb devices and found that adding the user to dialout helps. I'll try it with the pi user, thanks for the hint.

That would make sense because /dev/ttyACM0 which some 3D printers use is a file name that was initially for dial-up modems. So assuming you are talking about OctoPi installs.

It's me again ;-)
How do I re-enable auto-login? Is there a config option for that? I couldn't find any.
I tried running sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B2 in a start_chroot_script but it does not work.

Thanks for the fast response. I don't completely understand. My config looks like this:
export BASE_ADD_USER=yes export BASE_USER=glue export BASE_USER_PASSWORD="redacted"
do you mean that I should set BASE_ADD_USER to no?
This did not work, I'm being prompted to create a user when I boot the pi for the first time.

If you'd like to be prompted to create a use on the first boot? if not, then set export BASE_ADD_USER=yes.
you wrote earlier "How do I re-enable auto-login"? I think I misunderstood that as removing the auto user creation.

To enable auto login you will need to stop this line from running:
You can read the comment above it to why its there:

ATM there is no config switch for that, it can be added. Actually saw that as a security vulnerability, and it was treated as a bug by Rpi here: RPi-Distro/userconf-pi#2

Thanks for the hints. Yes, I wanted to not be promted and auto-login.
I got it working by adding sed -i 's|do_boot_behaviour B1|do_boot_behaviour B2|g' /usr/bin/cancel-rename to a start_chroot_script.
This is just reverts the patch.