
Wow this is not out of the box

Opened this issue · 8 comments

npm doesnt seem to work with this, not sure whats up with node and relation to docker

just using docker commands seems to work idk

Can you be more specific as to what you are trying to do?

MagicMirrorOS uses a docker container in order to provide automatic updates. From what I understand have you already got MagicMirror to start?

i loaded your image onto the SD card and all it did was give me a black screen, i managed to figure out that you can type magicmirroros:8080 on my other computer and saw that it was running, i then figured out i could SSH into it with putty just putting in magicmirroros and was left on port 22, still worked, i then globally removed npm and node because it kept telling me npm wont work with that version, after i removed them and rebooted, i got the screen on my hdmi montior finally which was a + and im sure is somehow related, i still had the node version issue however the files were not in the right place apparently i had to move them with

sudo cp -avr /home/pi/node_modules/9/server.js /home/pi


sudo cp -avr /home/pi/node_modules/9/package.json /home/pi

after i did this i could now use npm and got everything running, and now im starting to add modules with mmpm so im winning, but yeah you need to let people know this info in the readme about ssh because i didnt even know if it was enabled, also the node issue, also the fact you can check on another computer if its hooked up to the network if you get a black screen, cause it took me all day to figure this stuff out and you guys should honestly have a separate discord set up for this because when you go to the magicmirror discord they just say we cant help you because your fork has nothing to do with them, and i have other questions, so do these things please that would be awesome of you, otherwise nice job so far

@khassel is the black screen a bug or something intentional for a mirror?
If it is its worth mentioning in the readme.

  • The ssh is in the readme file.
  • The webserver on port 8080 is not and is worth adding.

I'm not sure what @JoshuaShelswell did exactly.

There is no node or npm installed in MagicMirrorOS, this stuff is included in the docker image.
So may he installed the plain MM stuff again on top of MM-OS?

I think many people are not aware of the technical setup here (although described in the readme), which is

  1. the MM-OS as a "minified raspbian"
  2. the docker setup of MM

We may should mention in the readme that the first start takes long, depending on the hardware, because the docker image is pulled the first time which can take up to 5 min on poor hardware (this could be the cause for the black screen).

The general thing is, that we should not "sell" this setup as e.g. "simple" or "running out of the box".
People who don't know anything about linux and/or docker can quickly setup MM with MM-OS, but this works only for the plain default setup. When they begin to change the setup of MM (e.g. installing modules) they need knowledge of linux/docker and they have to deal with this setup and the docker setup. Otherwise this will lead to frustration on their side (and on our side too).

you guys should honestly have a separate discord set up for this because when you go to the magicmirror discord they just say we cant help you because your fork has nothing to do with them

I look into this channel nearly dayly. But at the time I saw your discord posts you had already "solved" your problem and also this issue was updated and closed. We cannot give live support, I have a real job beside this project ...

@guysoft By the way, some people in discord and in the mm-forum are "shooting" regularly against this project with comments like "too complicated", "not needed", "use the standard setup with the scripts of sdetweil" ...

well i did a fresh install and enabled hdmi_safe=1, it booted up fine and started displaying no problem, i did another fresh install with that setting and it wouldnt show up so i dont know whats going on, and @khassel didnt know you were in the discord already, you should probably just put that you can find me in that discord on the documentation instead of starting an entire new discord, or get the admins to make a specific section in the discord for magicmirrorOS but their discord doesnt seem to be very organized at all which is why i suggested you make one to save constant questions that they wont answer when they could just try it and then have the answers, not sure why you wouldnt want to use docker in the first place as it is actually easier to navigate, however most people have a dayjob, i dont, so i put my time into helping out with what i know, which is what moderators generally do, anyway i actually would prefer to run this over the standard setup to be honest, and for people new to linux id actually debate that their way of doing it is too complicated due to the fact you have to set up raspian and the fact that not everything works like the audio drivers that constantly clip for example, and setting up pm2 for autostart, or other features that you could add later pre-packaged like keeping a bluetooth or analog speaker awake which i would love and are in other versions of linux i think, this is a better setup to start streamlining the install and instructions in my opinion, this is a great start. i've already explored the standard setup and i noticed my 8gb pi4 kinda laggy with certain modules and was wondering if it was the fact i was running the entire version of raspian or if it was because of using a 64 bit version which im going to check out in the next day or two to compare, and you should probably add in the main documentation in the how to use it section about the image taking time to download or make up a easy progress bar or please wait downloading image during the first bootup somehow or make it autorestart, and how to set the timezones properly, also probably how to specifically use mmpm with your setup aswell since (i think) there's no GUI option? still? and probably another thing to note in the documentation since its an actual package manager for magicmirror that everyone does use. Im fine with the terminal though but not everyone is. and @khassel you are probably right about node showing up by accident because it's not there on the fresh install, so not sure how it ended up there before, i didnt install it myself because i only noticed it when i tried to install npm and noticed it was there, it probably was installed with npm and then i had to move the files to the appropriate folder which would be a thing to note if people are trying to use npm and node since there's no instruction on it with your setup here, on another note it would be great if you could make a bootable USB image for simplicity aswell, it helps alot with with speeds, i have to change the boot order and make an image and then load that onto a usb, it would save alot of time and im not sure how that even works with docker yet or if im able to since ive only done this with the traditional setup, @guysoft seems to be a rockstar programmer that knows his stuff, anyway regardless you guys are doing a great job, i appreciate it, keep it up

maybe also add you can check the status through ssh in the documentation with

systemctl status docker

also you can check if the image is actually running with magicmirroros:8080 if the display isnt working because its just a bootup and blackscreen

still cant get any monitor to work not sure what im doing wrong on the install, pretty straight forward

interesting i enabled
hdmi_mode=0 (i changed this to seee what would happen but it doesnt matter probably)

and then the monitor turned on after reboot and i see 1 red thing in the list of [OK] stuff but it goes too fast for me to know what it is, i recommented them and the screen is still working, dunno what it did but so far ive done that twice now so im not sure whats wrong with your setup