
black screen when starting up

loumac321 opened this issue ยท 18 comments

black screen when starting up magicmirroros for first time

How long did you wait? It seems like the docker Process needs a new minutes for its startup. Which RasPi are you using?

Hi I've sorted it now

Would be nice to provide your solution for others.

I could not make it work so I used the automatic method of installing magic mirror

I have the same problem - black screen on startup. Mouse pointer is visible, but nothing can be done. Using Rpi 3b+.

That's Exactly what happened to me

please login with ssh into your pi and then execute cat $HOME/scripts/start.log and post the output here.

In the meantime I downloaded other version - (at first I installed After 10-20 minutes of black screen on startup (not sure how long exactly - I was away from keyboard), it eventually started working.

At the first start there is no local docker image on the pi, so this must be pulled (current size about 540 MB). The time depends on the hardware (pi version) and the speed of your wlan/lan/internet connection. With every following start of the pi the local image can be used immediately so it starts faster (new versions of the image are pulled in the background).

edit: correction only 230 MB are pulled because the image is packed ...

Another thing I've changed in the second attempt was in the wifi configuration file. So at first attempt I removed the quotations marks (I did it because a few lines below, the localization settings were without quotations). But then I realized that the SSID could have spaces to I left the quotation marks. So maybe that's why it did work in the second attempt. It would be good if there was any error message.

You could have checked in your router log if there is a current dhcp lease for your device. If there is no active connection (or dhcp lease) the Raspi could not connect to the network.

It would be good if there was any error message.

you find such error messages in the mentioned start.log. I see no chance to get such a message on the screen with this setup.

A simple check for a working connection is to execute e.g. curl from the pi.

Hello, i've just installed 0.2.0 on my Pi4, it did manage to boot up and i've managed to SSH to it.
After i tried this display-setup-script=xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left on lightdm and rebooted, the screen remains black, but the pi's ssh is working. Running xrandr will just get stuck on terminal. After reinstalling and getting it working again, running the xrandr rotate manually through terminal will also result in the same black screen. Would anybody here know a way to fix this?

Only some suggestions: The pi 4 has 2 hdmi ports, so may HDMI-1 is the wrong? Refer to and run xrandr to get the correct output. Or try to plug your cable into the other hdmi port if you get the black screen.

@khassel I have tried using both HDMI-1 and HDMI-2, i chose the right display from xrandr. The moment I rotate, the screen goes black on both ports :(

I can try to recreate that issue with my pi4. But it will take some time until the micro HDMI Adapter arrives. Maybe you can Check some Logs for errors.

/var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log for example.

I tried to reproduce this issue but did not manage to run into that problem. I added display-setup-script=xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and rebootet. The boot was still in the standard output, but after it was fully bootet the screen rotated to the left like it should. I did not change anything on that system besides a line in /boot/config.txt:


This was needed, because i did not manage to get a display signal at all on my 4k monitor. Maybe you should try that. If that doesnt help you need to search the lightdm logs or rotate the output or mirroros with a custom css.

I4T2B commented

Same problem here - Black Screen on Startup. Mouse pointer is unvisible, nothing can be done. Using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+. Downloaded 0.2.0, flashed and booted -> all is working.