
calendar issue

grottenolm80 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have this issue (MichMich/MagicMirror#221) on a fresh installation of magicmirror os. I have some potentially stupid questions:

  1. How can I keep MM up to date on MagicMirrorOS? (Hoping this will fix the issue)
  2. Why does npm not work? This may be related to Q1

The mentioned issue is very old and fixed since 2017. You should ask for help in the forum, this is out of scope of this repo.

To your questions. As mentioned in the readme this setup uses docker images to run mm. With every start of the pi the newest image is downloaded and started so you should have the latest release of mm running. You can run docker logs mm from the command line and this should also print the version at the beginning:

[19.08.2021 22:33.49.326] [LOG]   Starting MagicMirror: v2.16.0

npm is not installed on your pi, it comes within the docker image. For more info look into the docs here where e.g. is explained how to install modules in this setup.

Ok, so that means I always have the latest version of MM, will ask there then. Thank you.