- 1
Replace PyUserInput with pynput in docs
#147 opened - 1
InputDevice destructor blocks
#144 opened - 0
Issue Connecting to Joystick after Reboot
#142 opened - 1
- 1
support for python 3.9
#140 opened - 2
Wrong permission on files in EGG-INFO
#136 opened - 3
- 1
- 4
- 1
Question regarding my project
#130 opened - 13
- 1
using tests in python-evdev
#127 opened - 1
Support for python 3.8 (!?)
#126 opened - 0
xbox rumble
#125 opened - 2
- 1
Error after asyncio cancel
#123 opened - 1
Effect "FF_CONSTANT" with G920
#122 opened - 0
issue with python-evdev and sc-controller
#121 opened - 3
- 2
- 2
Don't blindly import asyncio
#117 opened - 1
- 16
- 2
- 1
- 1
grab and ungrab with touchpad
#108 opened - 6
reading led state and grab() ing device turns all leds off while retaining num/caps-lock state.
#107 opened - 3
- 2
Using evdev in the background/in crontab
#102 opened - 9
Device.read_loop() misses button presses
#101 opened - 6
- 3
- 1
- 1
Is this repository maintained?
#96 opened - 2
- 1
- 1
KeyError in with JoyCon
#91 opened - 2
- 1
How to read events using asyncio
#85 opened - 9
- 2
Syntax Error in 0.8.0
#83 opened - 6
- 1
- 2
changing fd
#78 opened - 1
- 1
- 1
Device has wrong __ne__ operator.
#73 opened - 0
- 4
- 1