
Issue with getting started

Closed this issue · 14 comments


I'm just trying out -parallel- and am probably running into a basic issue. I'm trying "Example 1" in your minimal examples and am getting the following. Is there something I'm missing?


. sysuse bplong.dta
(fictional blood-pressure data)
. sort patient
. parallel setclusters 2
N Clusters: 2
Stata dir: /Applications/Stata/StataMP.app/Contents/MacOS/StataMP

. parallel, by(patient): by patient: egen max_bp = max(bp)

Parallel Computing with Stata (by GVY)
Clusters : 2
pll_id : 14un3xm8o1
Running at : /Users/davidchan/Dropbox/Research/ED peer effects/Data
Randtype : datetime
Waiting for the clusters to finish...
cluster 0001 has finished with a connection error -601- (timeout) (see more)...
cluster 0002 has finished with a connection error -601- (timeout) (see more)...

Here are the results of creturn list:

. creturn list

System values

    c(current_date) = "22 Jan 2016"
    c(current_time) = "11:51:39"
       c(rmsg_time) = 0                          (seconds, from set rmsg)
   c(stata_version) = 14.1
         c(version) = 14.1                       (version)
     c(userversion) = 14.1                       (version)
       c(born_date) = "01 Dec 2015"
          c(flavor) = "IC"
             c(bit) = 64
              c(SE) = 1
              c(MP) = 1
      c(processors) = 4                          (Stata/MP, set processors)
  c(processors_lic) = 8
 c(processors_mach) = 4
  c(processors_max) = 4
            c(mode) = ""
         c(console) = ""
              c(os) = "MacOSX"
           c(osdtl) = "10.11.3"
        c(hostname) = "DN0a22e56a.SUNet"
    c(machine_type) = "Macintosh (Intel .."
       c(byteorder) = "lohi"
        c(username) = "davidchan"

Directories and paths

    c(sysdir_stata) = "/Applications/Sta.."      (sysdir)
     c(sysdir_base) = "/Applications/Sta.."      (sysdir)
     c(sysdir_site) = "/Applications/Sta.."      (sysdir)
     c(sysdir_plus) = "~/Library/Applica.."      (sysdir)
 c(sysdir_personal) = "~/Library/Applica.."      (sysdir)
 c(sysdir_oldplace) = "~/ado/"                   (sysdir)
          c(tmpdir) = "/var/folders/zt/2.."
         c(adopath) = "BASE;SITE;.;PERSO.."      (adopath)
             c(pwd) = "/Users/davidchan/.."      (cd)
          c(dirsep) = "/"

System limits

    c(max_N_theory) = 281474976710655
    c(max_k_theory) = 5000                       (set maxvar)
c(max_width_theory) = 1048576                    (set maxvar)
     c(max_matsize) = 11000
     c(min_matsize) = 10
    c(max_macrolen) = 4227143
        c(macrolen) = 645200                     (set maxvar)
         c(charlen) = 67783
      c(max_cmdlen) = 4227159
          c(cmdlen) = 645216                     (set maxvar)
     c(namelenbyte) = 128
     c(namelenchar) = 32
           c(eqlen) = 1337

Numerical and string limits

       c(mindouble) = -8.9884656743e+307
       c(maxdouble) = 8.9884656743e+307
       c(epsdouble) = 2.22044604925e-16
  c(smallestdouble) = 2.2250738585e-308
        c(minfloat) = -1.70141173319e+38
        c(maxfloat) = 1.70141173319e+38
        c(epsfloat) = 1.19209289551e-07
         c(minlong) = -2147483647
         c(maxlong) = 2147483620
          c(minint) = -32767
          c(maxint) = 32740
         c(minbyte) = -127
         c(maxbyte) = 100
    c(maxstrvarlen) = 2045
   c(maxstrlvarlen) = 2000000000
    c(maxvlabellen) = 32000

Current dataset

               c(N) = 240
               c(k) = 5
           c(width) = 7
         c(changed) = 0
        c(filename) = "/Applications/Sta.."
        c(filedate) = "22 Jan 2016 11:47"

Memory settings

          c(memory) = 33554432
          c(maxvar) = 5000                       (set maxvar)
         c(matsize) = 400                        (set matsize)
        c(niceness) = 5                          (set min_memory)
      c(min_memory) = 0                          (set min_memory)
      c(max_memory) = .                          (set max_memory)
     c(segmentsize) = 33554432                   (set segmentsize)

Output settings

            c(more) = "on"                       (set more)
            c(rmsg) = "off"                      (set rmsg)
              c(dp) = "period"                   (set dp)
        c(linesize) = 120                        (set linesize)
        c(pagesize) = 28                         (set pagesize)
         c(logtype) = "smcl"                     (set logtype)
         c(noisily) = 1
         c(eolchar) = "unix"                     (set eolchar)
      c(notifyuser) = "on"                       (set notifyuser)
         c(playsnd) = "off"                      (set playsnd)
  c(include_bitmap) = "on"                       (set include_bitmap)
           c(level) = 95                         (set level)
          c(clevel) = 95                         (set clevel)
  c(showbaselevels) = ""                         (set showbaselevels)
  c(showemptycells) = ""                         (set showemptycells)
     c(showomitted) = ""                         (set showomitted)
         c(fvlabel) = "on"                       (set fvlabel)
          c(fvwrap) = 1                          (set fvwrap)
        c(fvwrapon) = "word"                     (set fvwrapon)
        c(lstretch) = ""                         (set lstretch)
         c(cformat) = ""                         (set cformat)
         c(sformat) = ""                         (set sformat)
         c(pformat) = ""                         (set pformat)
  c(coeftabresults) = "on"                       (set coeftabresults)

Interface settings

      c(reventries) = 5000                       (set reventries)
     c(revkeyboard) = "on"                       (set revkeyboard)
     c(varkeyboard) = "on"                       (set varkeyboard)
     c(smoothfonts) = "on"                       (set smoothfonts)
         c(linegap) = 1                          (set linegap)
   c(scrollbufsize) = 204800                     (set scrollbufsize)
           c(maxdb) = 50                         (set maxdb)

Graphics settings

        c(graphics) = "on"                       (set graphics)
          c(scheme) = "s2color"                  (set scheme)
      c(printcolor) = "automatic"                (set printcolor)
       c(copycolor) = "automatic"                (set copycolor)

Efficiency settings

         c(adosize) = 1000                       (set adosize)

Network settings

        c(checksum) = "off"                      (set checksum)
        c(timeout1) = 30                         (set timeout1)
        c(timeout2) = 180                        (set timeout2)
       c(httpproxy) = "off"                      (set httpproxy)
   c(httpproxyhost) = ""                         (set httpproxyhost)
   c(httpproxyport) = 80                         (set httpproxyport)
   c(httpproxyauth) = "off"                      (set httpproxyauth)
   c(httpproxyuser) = ""                         (set httpproxyuser)
     c(httpproxypw) = ""                         (set httpproxypw)

Update settings

    c(update_query) = "on"                       (set update_query)
 c(update_interval) = 7                          (set update_interval)
   c(update_prompt) = "on"                       (set update_prompt)

Trace (program debugging) settings

           c(trace) = "off"                      (set trace)
      c(tracedepth) = 32000                      (set tracedepth)
        c(tracesep) = "on"                       (set tracesep)
     c(traceindent) = "on"                       (set traceindent)
     c(traceexpand) = "on"                       (set traceexpand)
     c(tracenumber) = "off"                      (set tracenumber)
     c(tracehilite) = ""                         (set tracehilite)

Mata settings

      c(matastrict) = "off"                      (set matastrict)
        c(matalnum) = "off"                      (set matalnum)
    c(mataoptimize) = "on"                       (set mataoptimize)
       c(matafavor) = "space"                    (set matafavor)
       c(matacache) = 2000                       (set matacache)
        c(matalibs) = "lmatabase;lmataad.."      (set matalibs)
     c(matamofirst) = "off"                      (set matamofirst)

Unicode settings

       c(locale_ui) = "en_US"                    (set locale_ui)
c(locale_functions) = "en_US"                    (set locale_functions)
  c(locale_icudflt) = "en_US"                    (unicode locale)

Other settings

            c(type) = "float"                    (set type)
         c(maxiter) = 16000                      (set maxiter)
   c(searchdefault) = "all"                      (set searchdefault)
             c(rng) = "default"                  (set rng)
     c(rng_current) = "mt64"
        c(rngstate) = "XAAe85dd500d27408.."      (set rngstate)
       c(varabbrev) = "on"                       (set varabbrev)
      c(emptycells) = "keep"                     (set emptycells)
         c(odbcmgr) = "iodbc"                    (set odbcmgr)
      c(odbcdriver) = "unicode"                  (set odbcdriver)


              c(pi) = 3.141592653589793
           c(alpha) = "a b c d e f g h i.."
           c(ALPHA) = "A B C D E F G H I.."
            c(Mons) = "Jan Feb Mar Apr M.."
          c(Months) = "January February .."
           c(Wdays) = "Sun Mon Tue Wed T.."
        c(Weekdays) = "Sunday Monday Tue.."
              c(rc) = 0                          (capture)

Works for me on Windows 10 Stata 11.

Seems to me that there's an issue finding stata bin. Can you check if

Stata dir: /Applications/Stata/StataMP.app/Contents/MacOS/StataMP



Hi all,

Thanks for your response. That directory does not exist.


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 11:06 AM, George G. Vega Yon <
notifications@github.com> wrote:

Seems to me that there's an issue finding stata bin. Can you check if

Stata dir: /Applications/Stata/StataMP.app/Contents/MacOS/StataMP



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#27 (comment)

That's the issue then. Parallel tries to find the executable file ("Stata.exe") on your computer. If it fails you can always point directly to it using the statapath option, for example

parallel setclusters 4, statapath(c:/stata/stata.exe)

You can do the same thing on Mac (obviously replacing the argument in statapath


Note that it can be hard to tell if a folder exists on MacOS since application extensions (.app) are usually hidden (so inside /Applications/Stata/ there might just be StataMP) and to get inside the Stata package from the finder you need to Ctrl click the package and choose Show package contents.

That's really helpful Brian. I did that, and now I'm going to have to
revise my response. That directory does exist.


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Brian Quistorff notifications@github.com

Note that it can be hard to tell if a folder exists on MacOS since
application extensions (.app) are usually hidden (so inside
/Applications/Stata/ there might just be StataMP) and to get inside the
Stata package from the finder you need to Ctrl click the package and
choose Show package contents.

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#27 (comment)

Has this been resolved? If not, what are the contents of the Stata directory mentioned? I tried this example with Stata 13.1 on MacOS X and it worked fine. Maybe you have a bit of a weird setup.

Closing for now. Reopen if needbe.

Thanks Brian, and sorry for not responding sooner. I haven't been able to
follow up on this, but I'll let you know if I'm still having issues.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 3:39 PM, Brian Quistorff notifications@github.com

Closing for now. Reopen if needbe.

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Hi all,

I just tried this again, and I'm still getting the same error. I verified

Stata dir: /Applications/Stata/StataMP.app/Contents/MacOS/StataMP



On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 6:16 PM, David Chan david.c.chan@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks Brian, and sorry for not responding sooner. I haven't been able to
follow up on this, but I'll let you know if I'm still having issues.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 3:39 PM, Brian Quistorff <notifications@github.com


Closing for now. Reopen if needbe.

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Are you using the latest version?

Thanks for your reply Brian. How would I install the latest version? I just
tried typing "ssc install parallel" again, and got this message:

. ssc install parallel
checking parallel consistency and verifying not already installed...

the following files already exist and are different:

no files installed or copied
(no action taken)


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Brian Quistorff notifications@github.com

Are you using the latest version?

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Hi, try following these instructions:



George G. Vega Yon
+1 (626) 381 8171

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 9:14 AM, chand04 notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks for your reply Brian. How would I install the latest version? I just
tried typing "ssc install parallel" again, and got this message:

. ssc install parallel
checking parallel consistency and verifying not already installed...

the following files already exist and are different:

no files installed or copied
(no action taken)


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Brian Quistorff <notifications@github.com


Are you using the latest version?

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This was actually a bug part of Stata and it was fixed (on our side) on #47