
Not enough food!

Closed this issue · 11 comments

There is insufficient data in this repo detailing our eating exploits of late!

I'm working on this!

I added a section for crockpot, since it looks like there's a bunch of things in drafts that are basically crockpot recipes. Or maybe just general soup/stews? But it seems sensible to have an entire section just for crockpot-worthy things.

Also, I started writing up glopslot things. I may also steal and transcribe some stuff from CK.

that's not TeX syntax, though!


On 2 August 2014 00:49, modgethanc notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm working on this!

I added a section for crockpot, since it looks like there's a bunch of
things in drafts that are basically crockpot recipes. Or maybe just general
soup/stews? But it seems sensible to have an entire section just for
crockpot-worthy things.

Also, I started writing up glopslot things. I may also steal and
transcribe some stuff from CK.

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I mean, I'm assuming stuff in drafts just haven't yet been cleaned up and TeXiFiEdDd.

Oh. Yes, that is true. I just jumped to your commit, not really looking at where it was in the tree structure.

I have added a new recipe!

Is this issue ever closeable?

Also, mamuuuul.

I will add mamoul notes.

I started a draft for mamoul, but @ivoysey should fill in a few things that I can't remember or find notes on.

it's all loosely based off
i filled in the two ?? in drafts/mamoul.txt (and renamed it); was that it?


On 23 August 2014 18:48, modgethanc notifications@github.com wrote:

I started a draft for mamoul, but @ivoysey https://github.com/ivoysey
should fill in a few things that I can't remember or find notes on.

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#1 (comment).

Yes, that was it; thanks.

(also omg romanization)