- Session: Data Visualization
- Date: November 7th 2020, 2:30PM (UTC+1)
- Speaker: Cédric Scherer (Data Visualization Designer & Computational Ecologist)
In this session, I introduce you to modularized Shiny apps and a library called {golem} that simplifies the process of developing roduction-grade applications. I will also give an overview of html widgets that are useful for designing your app and allow for interactive charts and an overall nice user experience. I am going to demonstrate the possibilities using our Shiny app from the LC Berlin that recently won the CorrelAidX challenge.
You can have a look at the final example application we are going to build on shinyapps.io.
- "Mastering Shiny" by Hadley Wickham
- “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” by Colin Fay et al.
- “JavaScript for R” by Joene Coene
Collections of html widgets
Packages for charts
- {plotly}
- {echarts4r}
- {ggiraph}
- {highcharter}
- {dygraphs}
- {charter}
- {rbokeh}
- {metricsgraphics}
- {rthreejs}
- {visnetwork}
- {networkD3}
- {DiagrammeR}
Packages for tables
Packages for maps
Packages for theming