
Asset Bundle, not finding any files

Kurisama91 opened this issue · 14 comments

It's odd but running the application build and run will work but when uploaded to google play and delivered it seems like betterstreamingassets can't find any files.

I'm not getting any crash or error, it's just simply not finding any files when served from Google leading me to think their apk generation maybe moves the location?

It's all about compression; BSA doesn't support compressed Streaming Assets.

There is some strangeness with App Bundles, even when built and run locally; sometimes some Streaming Assets are compressed, sometimes not. I can't really put my finger on it.

Now, I understand you upload an App Bundle, not an APK?

any news on the issue? Will you be able to add support for compressed assets?

While it is possible, benefits of Streaming Assets would be lost (instant random access). And I don't have time at the moment.

Is it still broken with latest Unity?

Hello guys,
My StreamingAssets folder is all using lowercase letteers for files, any other way to fix this issue?

Lowercase for folders too?

The generated .aabb bundle contains a bin folder (not generated by us) where it contains upper case files & folders. Well, generated .apk also contain this bin folder.. mmmmmm

\assets\bin\Data\unity default resources

Yea all our assets & folders are lowercase.
We did some test of trying to read files before & after the assets/bin folder(the one that contains unity stuff with capital letters) but all failed..

Upgrading from unity 2018.4.5f1 to 2019.3.14 fixed the problem.
Thanks to gwiazdorrr to help me figure it out.

In my project i have "GoogleService-Info.plist" file in StreamingAssets folder. I assume i mustn't change its name because i think its auto generated file. Will it cause the problem again? (Other files and folders are lowercase)
(Sorry for my english)
Edit: It didn't cause the problem

i tried to update the project as suggested by @pepoon , tried 2019.3.14 and 2019.4 LTS latest version also but still its not working , files in streaming folder i renamed it to lowercase characters already.

@anandmulay3 Im only using lowcase chars and underscores '_'. Nothing else.Our version is 2019.4.0.f1

@pepoon any numbers or space between two words??

This issue is linked in readme but here it is closed. So this issue is still open?

I have not tested this with recent Unity versions. The issue is linked to for context, link and explanation.