
How about make this plugin as a "Package" in "Package Manager"?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I've forked this repository to make it Unity Package: BetterStreamingAssets-Package

Main purpose is to use from another package of mine, BakingSheet
However if anyone wants to use BetterStreamingAssets on Package Manager they can use.

I'll set tag for current master branch as 1.0.0 and will increase if any fixes are added.

I've just added package.json, so this plugin can now be installed using UPM.

In your fork, please bump the version to 1.6.0 - to keep it with sync with what's on the Asset Store.

Hello, @gwiazdorrr and thank you for great project.
I've tested importing your package via UPM, and I can see some issues with it and I think this issue should be reopened.

First, I get error below:
Asset Packages/com.gwiazdorrr.betterstreamingassets/package.json has no meta file, but it's in an immutable folder. The asset will be ignored.
The message is constantly logged every time the project is reopened. This would be resolved by adding package.json.meta file into this repository.

Second, there is no way for user to open Sample scene:
Opening scene from immutable package is not supported. Instead, it needs to be in Samples~ folder and package.json should have info about it.

Third, there is no way to exclude Test script from build:
This will be resolved by creating separated assembly definition and move scripts to Tests folder.

My fork resolves these issues, if you prefer I can make PR for this.

Thanks @cathei, thought I could cheap out on this 😄 I will fix these.

I had a look at your fork and this is how I would love it done, but this actually makes preparing releases for the Asset Store more difficult. package.json nested somewhere in Assets, while ugly, is the acceptable middle-ground.

Ah thanks for looking into it :)
I made a develop branch and it has the master branch as submodule under Packages so I can edit with Unity.

While it's not possible in GUI, it is possible to include Packages subfolder into .unitypackage if you call AssetDatabase.ExportPackage from Editor script, if that helps (not sure Unity Assert Store accepts that way, though).

There have been some changes in the Asset Store Tools recently, but I haven't had a good look yet. Old ones were a black box, basically.

Are there any downsides to the submodule workflow? Seems like a silver bullet at first glance.

I didn't have any problem so far other than just have to manage two branches.
I took this approach from quite popular repo ParticleEffectForUGUI, and it seems like operating well.

Sound good. Create a PR please, I'll merge it.

Thanks again!