
variable in watch window not updating until debugger steps two lines away

Opened this issue · 4 comments

During execution, debugger stops on breakpoint set at line "X" and highlights it, but after stepping over that line, any variable set on that line that is in watch window does NOT update (or even show as defined, as there is a "?" next to it) until the FOLLOWING line is executed.

Not sure if the debugger is off one line in execution or update of displayed items, but something is off somewhere by "one line"



Good day.

+1, in my case there are no variables set at all under Context window.


@rotorboy What you're describing sounds a lot like the file being executed by PHP doesn't match exactly with the file in Atom. Can you confirm they are identical?


I have set the paths correctly as before. Tried restarting the IDE as well. And the files are in sync. Will check later again, on my way home.
