
Pathmap inconsistency: Breakpoint set correctly, but wrong file opens when breakpoint is reached

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Locally, I have the following directories:

  • ~/project/public_html/
  • ~/project/shared/vendor/

On the remote server, these map as follows:

  • /var/www/html
  • /var/www/html/vendor

Pathmaps have been set for both locations, and setting breakpoints works as expected. ie: setting a breakpoint on a file in ~/project/shared/vendor/aVendor/aPackage/foo.php results in the remote xdebug session receiving a breakpoint for a file under /var/www/html/vendor/aVendor/aPackage/foo.php.

However, when that breakpoint is triggered, php-debug incorrectly translates the pathname from
/var/www/html/vendor/aVendor/aPackage/foo.php to ~/project/public_html/vendor/aVendor/aPackage/foo.php

ie: it appears to be using the longest match for translating from Local to Remote, but the shortest match for translating from Remote to Local.

+1 same issue