
Unable to attach debugger to Atom editor

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Hello there! When trying to start debugger, Atom says "No debuggers installed...". I did install php-debug (among others), but the list appears always empty :-? What should I do?

It sounds like what you're describing is the Debugger recently added to atom-ide-ui, unfortunately this is not used by and not compatible with PHP-Debug. I think you can turn it off entirely via Settings->atom-ide-ui->Enabled Features->Enable Debugger->Never enabled.

This is stopping me, too. If I do as @cchamplin says then I have no way to set breakpoints - all that UI is gone. Is there a way to get this working?

Thank you

Not sure what @cchamplin is talking about. If I disable atom-debug-ui I get this message:

This package requires the atom-debug-ui package. It provides IDE/UI features for debugging inside atom
Would you like to install atom-debug-ui? It is required for this plugin to work.

EDIT maybe my findings here #309 (comment) are relevant.

@lkraav @artfulrobot : You should not be disabling the atom-debug-ui package or anything related to you. You should however (unless you need it) be disabling the debugging functionality under atom-ide-ui they are two separate packages.

I believe what is happening is that atom-ide-ui is overriding the gutter and making it confusing/impossible to set breakpoints in atom-debug-ui.

Thanks, this is useful info. patch wouldn't hurt.

Yes, I think the bit that's not needed/useful to this plugin is this:

which looks like an error message - but it's just irrelevant, for now. You can turn that off as mentioned (under "Enabled features", not disabling the whole package) and set breakpoints in the way that is unique to this package instead of the new(?) abstracted/generic way provided by the atom-ide-ui. Linking #309 as there's stuff in there that helped me get this package working.

Are there any plans for php-debug to integrate with atom-ide-ui in the future? It would be pretty great if this worked with the debugger UI that ships with that.

EDIT: NVM I see a few references to this as future work.
For others, related references: #271, #1, and #309

I discovered (in the hard way) I had not installed Composer.

Why are atom plugins such a mess right now? I've run into this and a billion other issues trying to get xdbug working properly. Not to mention the insane cacophony of nonsense compounded by having it all run on KDE. I'm sorry guys but the current documentation is extremely poor. I spent my entire day yesterday just trying to figure out what php-debug overrides, works in concert with, and breaks in other packages. I did finally got it all working, but it shouldn't have taken an entire day to do it.

I switched to PhpStorm and have had zero reason to look back.

Serious goals need a paid (at least by somebody) support system. Significant issue in a lot of FOSS solutions.

@cchamplin's suggestion helped me on this one, thanks! @RayHollister provides detailed steps for this here: #309 (comment)
php-debug wouldn't even start listening on the debug port before I disabled atom-ide-ui's Debugger feature.

I switched to PhpStorm and have had zero reason to look back.

Serious goals need a paid (at least by somebody) support system. Significant issue in a lot of FOSS solutions.

I'm right there with you.

ATOM was perfect for a couple of FOSS-sustained years. However, after that much time you start to notice the fine details that turn out to be not quite as fine as one had previously thought.

I just switched back to PhpStorm, PyCharm, and RubyMine last month. Oh my dear hamster; I forgot what coding with a dedicated IDE was like. Production went up by at least 3x if not more ... no lie.

Don't get me wrong, I still use Atom for a vast number of things; but professional software engineering is not one of them. Scripting, notes, checklists, fast file alterations, and bash automation. Honestly, Atom has since put Vim out of a job.

But yeah. Love Atom, but it's no PhpStorm.

A useless tool never works with a debugger.

Yeah, I still love Atom, but I can't get debugging working. so I use VS Code for development.

I did what cchamplin tells and it worked immediately. So, for me (and I suppose for many) the problem was that the debugger from atom-ide-ui is not compatible with PHP-Debug. Turning it out (but not atom-ide-ui!) worked. So, via Settings->packages->atom-ide-ui->Enabled Features->Enable Debugger->Never enabled.
Thanks cchamplin!

I also had some issues getting Atom to work with Xdebug and later I figured it out. Information provided by @cchamplin's also helped. I wrote this article based on my experience. If anyone interested, have a look.