
Issues with pathmaps

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I have my pathmaps setup as:
[{"remotePath":"/opt/bitnami/wordpress/","localPath":"/home/stel/code/work/wordpress/"}, {"remotePath":"/bitnami/wordpress/","localPath":"/home/stel/code/work/wordpress/"}]

When debugging starts, it keeps asking for a pathmap for a file at "/opt/bitnami/wordpress/index.php", it really is asking for /opt/bitnami/wordpress, notice the lack of a trailing /. I also notice the Stack Trace panel does not seem to translate the /bitnami/wordpress/ paths to local files.

Is this a bug? What is wrong with these pathmaps?

It seems to be an issue with bindmounts, since bitnami images usually bindmount /bitnami and I believe there's no way xdebug can tell these paths apart.