
Folds and curves distortions not getting rectified

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          I tried running the code without using the given pretrained model, and trained from scratch for around 30 epochs. But the folds and curves are not removed from the image, only the background is cleaned as per below figure and below command :-

!python --data_path_train=dataset/train/data1024_greyV2/color/ --data_path_validate=dataset/train/data1024_greyV2/color/ --data_path_test=dataset/shrink_1024_960/crop/ --parallel 0 --batch_size 2 --schema train --n_epoch 30

Could you please suggest the reason as to why the folds and curves are not getting removed and how to fix it?
Also, can i train on a small number of images instead of taking a huge dataset due to GPU limitations ?

Originally posted by @learning09 in #2 (comment)