
Literally the most gwdawful AwesomeWM configuration around.

Primary LanguageLua

Warning It is not uncommon for me to commit broken code. Also I don't guarantee this setup to be stable or the slightest bit safe for use. You have been warned.


  • Massive refactor of how numbers are handled. As things currently are, I made a pretty big mistake where I performed a shit ton of arithmetic/logical operations through out the config, which in turn causes it to be extremely unstable and prone to crashing. I am currently working on fixing this, and so the configuration is currently undergoing pretty fundamental changes. If you were here considering to try it out, I would like to ask you not to, at least not for the time being.

Welcome, stranger!

This is my awful configuration for the almighty AwesomeWM, featuring a user configuration file, repositionable bar and titles, dashboard, notifications, screenshooting tools, multiple colorschemes, and more to come, all done with Awesome's widget API!

Both results shown on the pictures are achievable through changing just a few variables in the userconf.lua file.



Optional (toggleable)

This configuration also uses tym, emacs, firefox, htop, lf, and nemo, by default, but none of these are hard requirements and you can easily change them in userconf.lua, although I still recommend at least installing tym.


Install the dependencies listed above for your own distro. After that is done, back your own configuration up, and you need only run:

$ git clone https://github.com/Gwynsav/gwdawful.git ~/.config/awesome --recursive

And that is basically it, note that I do not provide configuration files for the programs used by default, this is because those are written in Nix for my NixOS rice. You may still use them as reference but they don't exactly work as is if you're not using Nix with Home Manager.



Keybind Description
AwesomeWM -
mod + Control + r Reload AwesomeWM.
mod + w Opens the AwesomeWM menu.
mod + N Switch to Nth tag.
mod + Control + N Show Nth tag on current tag.
mod + Shift + N Send focused client to Nth tag.
mod + Control + Shift + N Show focused client on Nth tag.
Applications -
mod + Return Opens a terminal.
mod + Shift + Return Opens a text editor.
mod + e Opens a TUI file manager.
mod + Shift + e Opens a GUI file manager.
mod + Escape Opens a task manager/top application.
mod + p Opens an application launcher.
Window Management -
mod + q Close focused client.
mod + Mouse1 Move client by dragging mouse.
mod + Mouse3 Resize client by dragging mouse.
mod + j Focus next client by index.
mod + k Focus previous client by index.
mod + Shift + j Switch client with next by index.
mod + Shift + k Switch client with previous by index.
mod + period Focus next screen by index.
mod + comma Focus previous screen by index.
mod + m Maximize focused client.
mod + f Fullscreen focused client.
mod + s Float focused client.
mod + Shift + s Make focused client sticky.
mod + Tab Switch focused slave client with master.
Layout Management -
mod + l Grow master client.
mod + h Shrink master client.
mod + equal Increase amount of master clients.
mod + minus Decrease amount of master clients.
mod + Shift + l Grow tiled client.
mod + Shift + h Shrink tiled client.
mod + Shift + equal Increase amount of slave columns.
mod + Shift + minus Decrease amount of slave columns.
mod + space Cycle to next layout.
mod + Shift + space Cycle to previous layout.
Media Management -
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase system audio volume.
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease system audio volume.
XF86AudioMute Mute system audio.
XF86AudioPlay Play/pause media playback.
XF86AudioNext Skip to next song/video.
XF86AudioPrev Rewind to previous song/video.
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase screen backlight brightness.
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease screen backlight brightness.
mod + u Cycle keyboard layouts.
Print Take cursor selection screenshot.
mod + Print Take fullscreen screenshot.
UI -
mod + b Toggle bar visibility.
mod + d Toggle dashboard visibility.

Simple Configuration

You can edit some basic stuff by using the included variables inside of userconf.lua. This configuration includes, border size, gaps, titles, bar positions, and much more, as well as toggling features.

Variable Type Description
Applications - -
terminal string Terminal emulator to use. Must be set.
editor string Text editor to use. Must be set.
browser string Internet browser to use. Must be set.
top string top application (like htop) to use. Must be set.
files_cli string CLI file explorer to use. Must be set.
files_gui string GUI file explorer to use. Must be set.
Settings - -
modkey string Mod1 is Alt, Mod4 is Super. Defaults to "Mod4".
caps_super boolean Makes CapsLock an additional Super key. Defaults to false.
hover_focus boolean Should windows be focused on hover. Defaults to false.
kb_layout1 string Keyboard layout to use. Entirely optional.
kb_layout2 string Alternate keyboard layout. Also entirely optional.
Features - -
battery boolean Enable/disable battery metrics. Defaults to false.
battery_name boolean Specify battery name from Upower's interface. Defaults to "battery_BAT0".
brightness boolean Enable/disable brightness metrics. Defaults to false.
brightness_name boolean Specify video adapter name from '/sys/class/backlight'. Defaults to "intel_backlight"
bluetoothctl boolean Enable/disable bluetooth metrics. Defaults to false.
UI - -
resolution number Your vertical resolution, eg 1080p. Defaults to 1080.
aspect_ratio number Your aspect ratio, eg 16/9 or 4/3. Defaults to 16/9.
dpi number Your dpi. Defaults to auto. Dots built on 96, for reference.
inner_gaps number Regular gap size (screen%). Defaults to 0.4.
outer_gaps number Screen padding size (screen%). Defaults to 3 * inner_gaps.
border_size number Size of client and widget borders (screen%). Defaults to 0.
border_rad number Border rounding (screen%), 0 to disable. Defaults to 0.8.
bar_enabled boolean Change default bar state. Defaults to true.
bar_pos string May be: "left", "top", "right", "bottom". Defaults to "left".
title_enable boolean Enable/disable client titlebars. Defaults to true.
Theming - -
clr_palette string "everblush", "everforest", "tokyonight", "gruvbox", "solarized", "fullerene", "oxocarbon". Does NOT have a default.
icon_pack string GTK icon pack name. Defaults to "Papirus".
ui_font string Name of main UI font. Does NOT take size. Defaults to "IBM Plex Sans".
ic_font string Name of text icon font. Does NOT take size. Defaults to "Material Icons".
mn_font string Name of monospace font. Does NOT take size. Defaults to "IBM Plex Mono".
user_avatar string Path to user profile picture. Defaults to $AWM/themes/assets/user.png".
user_wall string Path to user wallpaper. Defaults to colorscheme default.
player_bg string Path to music player background image. Defaults to colorscheme default.
awm_icon string "arch", "debian", "fedora", "nix", "ubuntu", "void" or path. Defaults to AWM icon.
Misc - -
scrnshot_dir string Directory to save screenshots to. Defaults to $HOME/Pictures/.
scratch_wide number Scratchpad terminal width (screen%). Defaults to 40.
scratch_high number Scratchpad terminal height (screen%). Defaults to 66.


These people's dotfiles (and in some cases they themselves) have massively helped me create this configuration.

Blyaticon's cropping helper. Finally some good fucking image usage.

Alpha.'s NixOS Awesome setup. General reference and stole his helpers :)

Stardust-kyun's dotfiles. Basically the first thing I started reading when I got into Awesome.

Aproxia's dotfiles. Funny animation ghost.

Also got a few ideas from elenapan's dotfiles and rxyhn's Yoru.