
[Question] Navigation bar

barchinsky opened this issue · 8 comments


Is it possible to also add option to disable rendering navi bar (_renderNaviBar)
Otherwise I need to update it style to be compliant with app style or vs.

Thank you for component!

@barchinsky I will add an option to control it show/hide. Thanks for using this library and it will be done in one day.

@barchinsky I have published v1.1.9 and it support navigation bar show or hide. You can see README or source code to get how to use it.

@gaoxiaosong Thank you a lot for fix and for nice lib!

Thanks for using this library again~~~

Hello one more time,

I saw that you added default prop showNaviBar, but looks like it is not used in component. So this feature is still not working (((

@barchinsky Sorry that I forgot it ... I have committed the code and will publish with #3 together.

@barchinsky I have updated the project to support navigationOptions in react-navigation. Now it is easy to use for maintaining your app's navigation bar style. And use react-navigation-header-buttons for button in navigation bar which is easy to set style or global style.

@gaoxiaosong That is cool! Thank you for update ;)