h-jia's Following
- ai-graph
- canqin001
- D-X-YAugment ; ex Google DeepMind
- davidbauNortheastern University
- eyeris
- fredrikbkStanford
- hanzhaomlUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- hehaodeleMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- huitangtangThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- jerrybai1995Carnegie Mellon University
- jiajunwuStanford University
- jiamingsLuma AI
- JiaminRenSenseTime Group Inc.
- junyanzCarnegie Mellon University:
- kasparmartensNovo Nordisk
- KuuGary
- lh3DFCI & Harvard University
- LijieFan
- newdreamlj
- QingyongHuUniversity of Oxford
- ql1179
- rdevonApple MLR
- RuntianZCarnegie Mellon University
- s9xieCourant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
- shuo-gitTsinghua University
- songhanMIT, NVIDIA
- vacancyMIT
- wiseoddVector Institute
- xbpeng
- xiumingzhang@mit
- yenchenlinNVIDIA
- yrshen
- YunzhuLiColumbia University
- YyzHarryUCLA, Google
- zhouboleiUCLA
- zsyzzsoftIIIS, Tsinghua University