
slowRead problems when submitting files larger then 30KB

goncalvesjoao opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi guys, first of all thank you for building this cool tool!

I've been making a small, simple POC for myself using toxy to simulate bad network behaviour and I stumble upon a problem.

Using the poison slowRead like so:

    .poison(poisons.slowRead({ chunk: 102400, threshold: 500 }))

The browser becomes unable to submit files larger then 30KB, 70KB files sometimes get submitted 100KB for instance, doesn't.

You can see for yourselves: https://github.com/goncalvesjoao/up-your-ass-ets
the POC is fairly simple and quick to look at, am I missing something or am I configuring toxy in a wrong way?


h2non commented

Fixed in 0.3.10. Try updating toxy = npm install --force toxy

Thanks @h2non I just confirmed it, everything is working! 🤘