
Unable to delete outgoing poisons via HTTP API

cdauphinee opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm experiencing that I'm unable to delete outgoing poisons after adding them via the HTTP API.

I added an outgoing latency poison to a route via the HTTP API, resulting in the call to GET /servers/882/routes/20e/poisons looking like this:



I then attempt to delete the poison via DELETE /servers/882/routes/20e/poisons and get back a 204 No Content, but the poison is still present.

I also experience the same problem when I try to delete the specific poison, both via DELETE /servers/882/routes/20e/poisons/latency and DELETE /servers/882/routes/20e/poisons/latency:outgoing; I get a 204 No Content, but the poison is still there.

Note that I can delete any incoming poisons; the problem is exclusive to outgoing ones.

Hi @cdauphinee

Could you please guide me how you called HTTP API?
I need to set rules and poisons from my mobile app. please send some sample if possible.