
Modify ENV variables in custom recipes

josiahsams opened this issue · 2 comments

During our exploration of BYOR, one of our Models is dependent on numba. We included this dependency under the respective class as follows,

_modules_needed_by_name = ["numba"]

While uploading this recipe, pip installation of numba fails as it requires LLVM compiler installation. Since we had the LLVM compiler installation in a user-defined location, pip fails to pick up relevant binaries like llvm-config from these custom locations.

So Is there a way to provide ENVIRONMENTAL variables like, export PATH=$PATH:/opt/llvm/bin, along with the recipes so that these variables get alive during the recipe deployment time ?

Can you set os.environ['YOUR_ENV_VAR'] = "YOUR_VALUE" ?

After setting the following ENV variable I could able to get numba installed,

os.environ['LLVM_CONFIG'] = '/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config'
