
Rephrasing a Piece of Content

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Tutorial content:

  • In my opinion the most fundamental phrase is

  • The results will give you a probability (a decimal value) for cool_cond_y.3, cool_cond_y.20, and cool_cond_y.100.

  • After converting each decimal value to a percentage, note that the highest percentage per row will determine the type of cool_cond_y for that row.

Change to as suggested by Rino:

"The results will give you a probability (expressed as decimal value) for the the features object of the experiment / model that are cool_cond_y.3 (failure), cool_cond_y.20 (worsening), and cool_cond_y.100 (good) (designed in this was as part of the feature engineering activity to prepare the data for our experiment / model training)."

"After converting each decimal value to a percentage, you will have that the highest value per row will determine the type of cool_cond_y (failure, worsening, etc) for that specific row (that is the final aim for the whole scenario - for that specific value, our model predicts the status of the test rig an therefore of the hydraulic apparatus under test)."