
Time for a new release???

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Maybe it's time for a new release???! I want to use the new touch icons, server configs, normalizeCSS, new jQuery version, .......

This would be relly fantastic cause then only then i can you the yeoman generator

maybe @alexgibson can tell me more or maybe @alrra or @arthurvr

ping @h5bp/mobile-boilerplate

I don't know about anything planned, but maybe we should set up a milestone?

@alexgibson Did you have anything planned regarding a new release? Want to close this issue.

Hi @arthurvr! If you would like to do a new release, by all means feel free to do so :)

@alexgibson Not yet. Just asking because I couldn't figure out if something was planned.

Thanks @arthurvr - I'm pretty tied up in work related projects atm, so your help here is much appreciated