
Add `Permissions-Policy` directive to control FLoC

doktorbro opened this issue · 3 comments

google’s floc is coming. it’s time to react.

the apache config to opt out the floc is:

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
  Header always set Permissions-Policy "interest-cohort=()"

Thanks a lot for opening this issue @doktorbro!

While I'm personally in favor of blocking FLoC, I'm not sure about its addition into H5BP.

  • This is quite political for now, and it's probably better to wait a bit.
  • Especially regarding current web ecosystem reaction, it might be useless in few months (FLoC is "only" a experiement).
  • This addition won't be enabled by default, reducing its value in short-term and its coverage.
  • And finally there is already a issue regarding Permissions-Policy header: #179.

@LeoColomb if it’s better to wait then i will.

I'm closing this one in favor of #179