`add_header` directives in expires.conf override extra-security.conf
mattrubin opened this issue · 0 comments
After merging the latest configs from this project into my own server configs, I discovered that my site was now unexpectedly failing all the tests on https://securityheaders.io. With some manual searching, I discovered that fd84b1f was the offending commit, and after some research I discovered a blog post explaining a pitfall with the add_header
From the add_header
There could be several
directives. These directives are inherited from the previous level if and only if there are noadd_header
directives defined on the current level.
Because the add_header
directives for cache control in expires.conf are nested a level deeper than those in extra-security.conf, the directives from the higher level are not inherited. The cache control header is added, but the security headers are not. Prior to fd84b1f, this issue only applied to images and other media which had an add_header
directive for cache control, but now this issue applies to the other types defined in expires.conf.