
server-configs-node future

ngryman opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @h5bp/server-configs folks!

This module is aging and mostly deprecated. Node.js ecosystem has since evolved a lot and there is a plethora of server frameworks that address (in a better way) most of the best practices we try to advocate here.

Since all those frameworks and their ecosystem already implement the code and maintain it, I think it makes no sense to do it here. Our goal is to tell people how to configure servers in the best way possible, not to implement servers.

Given the context, I propose that this repo evolve from plain code to How to configure X framework properly? We would need to list the most used frameworks out there and document how to configure them properly.

This could be done either by:

  1. Creating one markdown document per framework and explain how to configure it for each key best practice.
  2. Creating a heavily commented boilerplate per framework that one could use directly or cherry pick from.

What do you think about this? Do you have any ideas/remarks?


I think having a markdown doc explaining considerations and acts like a checklist would be awesome!