
Error loading the new function of version 4.3 "Default activity completion"

aguatacuperche opened this issue · 2 comments

In the path moodlesite/course/defaultcompletion.php?id=1 we have the following error:

Custom completion rule completionpassgroup of module hvp has wrong suffix and has been removed from the form. This has to be fixed by the developer

line 126 of /completion/classes/edit_base_form.php: call to debugging()
line 146 of /completion/classes/edit_base_form.php: call to core_completion_edit_base_form->add_custom_completion()
line 178 of /completion/classes/form/form_trait.php: call to core_completion_edit_base_form->add_completion_rules()
line 247 of /completion/classes/edit_base_form.php: call to core_completion_edit_base_form->add_completion_elements()
line 118 of /completion/classes/defaultedit_form.php: call to core_completion_edit_base_form->definition()
line 217 of /lib/formslib.php: call to core_completion_defaultedit_form->definition()
line 45 of /completion/classes/defaultedit_form.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
line 89 of /course/classes/output/bulk_activity_completion_renderer.php: call to core_completion_defaultedit_form->__construct()
line 97 of /course/defaultcompletion.php: call to core_course_bulk_activity_completion_renderer->defaultcompletion()

Cannot require a CSS file after <head> has been printed.

Trazado de la pila (stack):

line 940 of /lib/outputrequirementslib.php: coding_exception thrown
line 119 of /mod/hvp/locallib.php: call to page_requirements_manager->css()
line 152 of /mod/hvp/locallib.php: call to hvp_get_core_assets()
line 216 of /mod/hvp/mod_form.php: call to hvp_add_editor_assets()
line 132 of /completion/classes/defaultedit_form.php: call to mod_hvp_mod_form->data_preprocessing()
line 217 of /lib/formslib.php: call to core_completion_defaultedit_form->definition()
line 45 of /completion/classes/defaultedit_form.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
line 89 of /course/classes/output/bulk_activity_completion_renderer.php: call to core_completion_defaultedit_form->__construct()
line 97 of /course/defaultcompletion.php: call to core_course_bulk_activity_completion_renderer->defaultcompletion()

We have the same problem with Moodle 4.3 and the "Default activity completion" setting in Courses section.
Capture d’écran 2023-11-20 à 14 00 21

Could this be re-opened as the change was reverted and issue is still present in Moodle 4.3