
Bake Button doesn't do anything

SpeedZDev opened this issue · 7 comments

so i followed the updated instructions in the repo on how to get started and everything is set but when i hit bake i cant see the blue path when hitting bake in 2d.


Ive tried everything and i did exactly as the repo said but the blue for when i hit bake doesn't work.

I had this same issue, setting the NavMesh object to static fixed it for me.

I had this same issue, setting the NavMesh object to static fixed it for me.
I Still have the same issue where the blue doesn't appear but it clearly detects sources.Have Any Other tips?

Oh I notice it creates a border when i hit bake but i still cant see the blue

Confirm this issue. Have exactly the same problem. It won't work in my own project, but works fine in the demo. Gizmos are enabled

h8man commented


You marked ground as not walkable, so there nowhere to walk, remove modifier and bake again. It is explained in https://github.com/h8man/NavMeshPlus/wiki/HOW-TO#mazes

Start from easy setup, makes yourself comfortable with tools, after that try more complex cases.

Ok thanks man it works

h8man commented

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