
Does not work properly with custom cell size

pixol20 opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce

  • Create a 0.16x0.16x0.16 grid
  • Bake mesh
  • Run game

I created a grid with cell size 0.16x0.16x0.16 and Nav Mesh seems to be baking but it does not work properly. Character just freezes.

Also there's a second problem because i can't even see nav mesh.

I tried creating custom cell prefab, but after baking game doesn't even see nav mesh
Override tile size doesn't seem to work too

In 1x1x1 grid everything seems to be working fine

In game screenshot

Changing agent size seems to fix the issue. But the problem with invisible navmesh persists

Updating unity fixed the issue with invisible navmeh. I'm now using 2022.3.20f1