
Rename the project?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Before we get too far, do we want to rename this to be simply 'warmup' instead of warmup4IE.

I agree that probably makes sense. Not sure what other smart systems they do but could theoretically be expanded to support them also in the future anyhow.

It was requested to call it warmup for the Home Assistant component by the Home Assistant devs - so I think we need to rename to warmup to match.

home-assistant/core#21144 (comment)

That also means if a Warmup5IE comes out it can be incorporated into one library without confusion.

artmg commented

This repo has now been renamed

artmg commented

I am having issues forking this repo into my account because of the fork I have from alex/foxy (even if the name has been changed). Reading up on this I'm not sure we can do much about it, so I'm tempted to rename this back and we can start a brand new fresh repo under the 'warmup' name. Please let me know if you see any issues with this approach. Thanks

artmg commented

Actually what I did was to delete my old fork from previous versions and fork afresh from here, but I don't know how others feel about doing that.