
Set override mode,temp and duration via Lovelace Button

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Guys, So i'm trying to set an automation to trigger on a button press to override to a set temperature for a set time, what do I need to set this to please at the moment i've tried:-

Action Type: Call Service
Service: warmup: set_override
Name of Warmup entity: the climate entity name
Service Data: entity_id: climate.conservatory
override_temperature = max_temp
override_duration_mins = 60

I'm not sure what i'm missing here :-/

artmg commented

Hi @scott40k, I use the following yaml Automation to give a one hour boost

- alias: Kitchen Floor Boost
  description: 'Set the override mode on the warmup thermostat'
    # manually triggered
    # but I wanted to keep it together in here not have it in scripts
    # first make the setting
    - service: warmup.set_override
        entity_id: climate.kitchen
        temperature: 24
        # leave `until` unspecified and warmup4ie.py suggests it should default to 1hr
    - delay: 
        seconds: 3
    # not sure if this is still required, it might update automatically
    - service: homeassistant.update_entity
        - sensor.kitchen_override_time_left
        - climate.kitchen

Let us know how it goes

It tells me there is an error

Message malformed: Entity ID cli is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['entity_id']

now this could be down to not having the sensor :- sensor.kitchen_override_time_left so I removed that and still hast the same issue, my climate entity is still climate.kitchen and service: warmup.set_override service is available so not sure what the issue is....