
Integration 'warmup' not found

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:924
First occurred: 4:36:22 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:36:22 PM

Platform error: climate - Integration 'warmup' not found.

I've installed via HACS but also added the following lines manually to the configuration.yaml and I get the above message in the log.

  - platform: warmup
    username: m******@gmail.com
    password: *******

Files are all in /custom_components/warmup/

Have I done something wrong? How to I force it to recognise the integration? Restarts haven't helped

artmg commented

Hi @digimadgirl this component has just been restructured, so I just want to check some circumstances with your install, to eliminate possible reasons. I am wondering if there is something from a previous attempt that might be getting in your way.

  • What version of Home Assistant are you running?
  • is the configuration.yaml file in the same folder as the custom_components subfolder?
  • what other subfolders do you have under custom_components?
  • if you look in the file custom_components/warmup/manifest.json what version is set?
  • is this the first time you have installed this warmup integration, or did you previously install it manually?
  • have you had warmup work with your Home Assistant in the past?
rct commented

Just tried a new install against a different Home Assistant instance and found this error because of the version in the manifest.

2023-03-20 16:28:19.601 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration 'warmup' does not have a valid version key (2023.03.15-beta) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2021/01/29/custom-integration-changes#versions for more details

In custom_components/warmup/manifest.json delete the -beta from from the version key.

TIP - if you are winding up having to do multiple restarts because Home Assistant won't shutdown with the updated config file (because when it checks the config file, integration warmup not found) you can get around that by using the CLI command ha core restart.

Alternatively, with the menu restructuring, the menu entry for Stop Server isn't accessible. However you can use the keyboard short cut 'c' and type restart to find that choice. Once the server has stopped you can move the config entry in and do a ha core start

Hope this helps.

artmg commented

Thanks @rct that has now been fixed in the master branch - @digimadgirl does that solve your issue, or is there something else?

Hi @digimadgirl this component has just been restructured, so I just want to check some circumstances with your install, to eliminate possible reasons. I am wondering if there is something from a previous attempt that might be getting in your way.

  • What version of Home Assistant are you running?
    Home Assistant 2023.3.5
  • is the configuration.yaml file in the same folder as the custom_components subfolder?
    they are both in the config firectory
  • what other subfolders do you have under custom_components?
    23 folders in custom_components that run other integrations
  • if you look in the file custom_components/warmup/manifest.json what version is set?
    "version": "2023.03.15-beta"
  • is this the first time you have installed this warmup integration, or did you previously install it manually?
    yes first time, I installed a 6ie today
  • have you had warmup work with your Home Assistant in the past?
    n/a - not tried

I have now deleted the -beta from the manifest.json and now the integration is showing up

I'll add the lines to my configuration.yaml again and see if this now works for me.

Working now. Thanks so much for this integration.

artmg commented

Glad you got it working. Enjoy!